The ubiquitous bear dancer parades the streets of dispassion
Stick in one hand, a noose in the other that lugs and pulls the “tamed” beast
He sings a distant tune, concocting images of conquer and war
He sings of, the hero and the relinquished,
The powerful and the powerless, the ruler and the vanquished!!!
He sings to call upon his brethrens to watch the Bear dance
On its two hind leg it rises, at the tune of the imaginary song
He sways his heavy weight, as spectators spit and vacillate
Between cheering and leering for an encore
The noose grows tighter, the muzzle that covers the mouth
Hides the tears in the shadow of the lids
The pain, the anguish, the suffering
The agony of labour
Dancing the Bear Dance on the streets of nonchalance
The bear dances to the glories of the past
Empires and years haven’t changed his status
Will this be his “Last dance?”