Viewer’s discretion advised although if you are a young man attempting to initiate and explore your “masculine sexuality and strength”, this may be good reading...
Lessons on Public Behaving in City Buses.
Attention: All men of all shapes and sizes of brains, hands and other parts of the anatomy- This one is for you.
Some salient points:
All buses have rods, and well seats. The rods are to hold and the seats to sit in. And that is an universal truth. Rods are to hold, not swing and certainly not to lose or attempt to lose your balance and fall. If you must keep both your hands high up in the air and swing like a monkey in a zoo, please find a park for yourself and not the lady in the seat in front of you. And you neednt position to stand at her shoulder , you are really not as "big" as you think you are!
Hold on to something when the bus breaks, it isn’t rocket science really. You don’t have to fall and apologies! Also if it’s a relatively empty bus, why not stand on the other side and swing? That should certainly give you and your clan more to talk about.
Also all private and public buses in the city of Delhi have a Ladies side, often spelt as Ladis -but you get the general idea! Fights erupt over seats reserved for women. I say that you stop molesting, raping, eyeing, cat calling, checking out, feeling up all the women on the streets, at home and elsewhere and we, as women will stop asking you for seats. Till then keep your trap shut. When a lady asks you for a seat…give it. Where is the eternal "chivalrous masculine man" anyway?
A lot of times buses are crowded please don’t use that opportunity to molest women, help them instead… I understand it is a difficult thing to ask for but perhaps one could give it a shot.
In a crowed bus, if you are a man- able, healthy and reasonably wise and if you see the lady in front of you in distress, please give her the seat. It isn’t really about gender you know. If the world had suddenly changed and women started feeling up and touching men without their consent at every opportune moment, I would as a women definitely offer any man in distress a seat. That’s called insight. And that’s not really a brain thing; it can be cultivated with a little bit of practice.
If you moving to reach the front or the back side of the bus and crossing women passengers standing, please turn the other way and brush yourself against your male co-patriots. Its quite simple really, ( demos have worked!)- You turn and move in a way that if I am standing and you are walking past me, the only fleeting contact that you make with me is with the back brushing my body!
If you are standing next to or behind a woman in a crowed bus, make sure you keep distance, a bag, your own hands- perhaps one placed on the rod on the seat, can prevent the jerk fall and the contact. BEWARE OF SUCH REPEATED ENCOUNTERS...
This is a dangerous position to be in so if you are not careful you could risk a wide range of acts some of which can lead to public humiliation. Mild fallouts may be an elbow squarely placed on your stomach or elsewhere, the serious ones could get you slapped and beaten up!
If you must stare at every woman who gets into the bus- Do So Discretely. You don’t need to bore your eyes in her or attempt to see through her top. It simple again- It is not meant for you to see.
If there are a lot of people getting on to the bus, make sure there is a line, and that statement is really meant for all. For men- dangling out of buses and windows, a popular site in Delhi...please don’t try to impress anyone in the bus, by either jumping out of a running bus or jumping into a moving bus.
The last two factors notwithstanding, GET A GRIP -
I mean.... on the rods, handles, seats and
on your misplaced masculinities as well!