This piece that I write is not a commentary on how I view or rather analyze the working of the disrupted mind but more a work which actually looks in to the process of degeneration and vileness of the mind, presumably the human mind.
It is perhaps imperative to mention the thought behind writing this article, in order to impress upon my readers the working or rather dysfunctioning of the human mind.The human mind is undoubtly ingenious, we have mastered all art, or almost so?So let us address the issue that is of immediate concerns to us; that is the want to live and lead a good life (however the barometer for judging goodness largely varies).
Is India really going to war with Pakistan?? Is there truly going to be a nuclear war? What will happen to us?? Probing questions and queries, sizzling discussions over tea and evening munchies coupled with Star news’s bit-by-bit coverage of events of escalating tension and mounting deaths and debates over possible repercussions and ramifications in case of a real war, seems to be the order of the day, a justification for people to maybe spend a little time together, an excusable break in the monotony of leading a regular life..In the US the aftermath of the world trade tower bombing saw a lot of couples getting into the act of marriage and parenthood, fear psychosis’s or plain insecurities were said to be the cause of such an action. No matter how one justifies human psychological behaviour, the fact is all people everywhere around the world are afraid of dying and it is here that the ingenuity of the mind comes to be questioned for is it not us who process and regulate our own destruction??
From simple stone weaponry (turn a few pages of history and it bears testimony to the sporadic changes in the human kind not only physical but also psychic) to atom bombs to thermodynamic bombs and then if that would be the end, but like all happy Hindi movie endings, a grand climax.. The Nuclear bomb
Item code: ********Cost: 10 billion (figures may not be accurate)
Functions: mass annihilation of life, property and environment.
For those who are not dead, radiation effects ensure cancer and other diseases.
Does it sound implausible??
Fear not it might become veracity too soon, at least sooner than one would expect, but here I got again on a prediction spree…. does it really bother me so much?? I mean it is funny I only muse about these issues when I have nothing better to do, when I need something to talk about (excuse to start a conversation maybe) in all other times I am busy in myself.
What would you call me an opportunist or a self-centric individual? But its seems futile to react on what you think about me because I still think (my mind does) and muse and no matter what happens I will still pen my thoughts.Its something a friend of mine said, (discussions with him are certainly no joking matter, nor are they an excuse to start a conversation): people are like sheep, and they have to be led, (correction) are led! And it is here that our politicians and beaureaucrats are impotent (important indeed!) in educating people, showing them the way: representatives of the people who conveniently forget their duties or rather forge their existence for better deals, perhaps Darwin and his theory of survival was indeed underrated or perhaps every man in his primeval self carries with himself the instinct to prosper by destroying others and why not isn’t it a way of the world, it certainly works in the animal kingdom.
What is it that makes us different from them…? (dwelling). I presume the answer to that will be our capacity to think and to act on what we think: Russell however was not as disillusioned as we are or as we choose to be (crazy u would think), he wrote in Free Man’s Worship “man was a child brought forth by nature, subject to her power gifted with sight with knowledge and a mind to judge good and evil and in spite of death being the ultimate mark, seal of parental control, he is free to think, act and criticize himself and his acts during his brief years..”Indeed if man is free why then does he have to live with the feeling of guilt and trepidation, why does he have to measure every step he takes, be cautious of every individual he encounters in the process of carrying out his functions, be on the prowl, hunting killing devouring others like an blood thirsty beast, only in a more civilized line of attack! Why does he always device new scheme to perpetuate his prosperity and security? Why does he seek assurance by destroying others, men and women like him: who like him also think of a safe and secure subsistence?
Why do we bury phantasms of our past so easily or is it just plain indifference? Is one Hiroshima not adequate; is what we have witnessed not gory enough?? Do we need to kill more and satiate ourselves? If indeed man is free why is he bound by his social stature and his position in society? Why are all men not equal if they are made of the same substance and they die and go to the soil?
Persistent questions with no answers, or maybe I am putting it too simply, maybe men because they are complex in structure are also multifaceted in action, their dealings being guided by their mind, disrupted mind huh? Yes that might be a logical conclusion for after all, all of us look for a happy and acceptable (comforting) ending and so I am as a social animal compelled to accept the logical derivation (courtesy my disrupted mind) and end my voyage and my exploration of my mind, at least in paper.
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